It all begins with an idea.
Maybe you want to find the perfect sound for your School Choir. Maybe you need an Australian piece for a performance or examination. Or, you might be looking to grow that lingering melody in your mind into a full-fledged composition.
In the realm of music sharing and growth, Matthew stands out as an award-winning composer. His extensive collaboration with students and schools has granted him with valuable insight when creating pieces meticulously tailored to the needs of individuals and specific ensembles.
Meet Matthew
An endlessly curious soul who transformed a childhood love of music into a symphonic journey. Raised on a sheep property in Central West NSW, his percussion beginnings shifted to piano at age 10. With some tenacity and a clear calling, he mastered the keys, earning his AmusA after a six-year odyssey. Bathurst's Mitchell Conservatorium crowned him with their most prestigious music scholarship, here is where the curtain lifted on the overture of his musical quest.
Recent Compositions
An emerging of an internal spirit. This work, composed over almost 20 years from 1998 to 2016, captures an individual journey, a state of being. The episodes of this piece provide an insight into a wide range of emotions, memories and experiences. Chiefly though, Soliloquy is a reflection, not so much a cry in the dark, but a lived experience. The experience of life, distilled into musical notes.
A fabulous concert piece for an advanced violinist enjoyed by performers and audiences alike. The interaction between the violin and piano is a feature of the work, with moments of calm, still, reflection, episodes of restless energy and a finale that takes flight with a soaring impassioned melody in the violin over rapid, cascading arpeggios in the piano. This work is a popular choice for the Australian Music of the Last 25 Years core performance piece in the NSW Music 2 syllabus.
Performed by Eliza Scott on Violin and Matthew Minter on Piano.
‘Solidarity’ endeavours to encapsulate the profound sense of loss that the Ukrainian people have endured – the loss of their land, livelihood, lives, freedom, and peace.
Scored for oboe, violin, viola and cello. The different instruments each bring a different voice, providing a different perspective, to the struggles and the injustices that have fallen upon millions of innocent people. The central questions are why and to what purpose? Humanity is out of balance and there are unspeakable wrongs affecting whole societies of peaceful people. This is my musical tribute to Ukraine.
Composed by Mathew Minter
Oboe Quartet : Oboe by Li Ling Chen, Violin by April Kelson, Viola by Jhana Allan, Cello by Charlotte Low